Best blog

Best Personal and Niche Blogs (30+ Real Examples)


Written by: Anya Skrba (Published on: June 2nd, 2017 Last updated: April 10th, 2020)  Posted in: Blogging20 CommentsWritten by Anya Skrba

We all love to read quality blogs. It’s a great way to learn something new, something useful; or to be entertained. However, a lot of people want to become influential bloggers, since that position has a lot of potential for monetization.

If you are thinking about starting a blog, you can do so pretty quickly.

For whatever reason, you want to create a blog; you can be sure that it is one of the best decisions you can make. Because, blogging can provide you with numerous benefits, from the powerful feeling of fulfillment from educating, inspiring and helping others to build awareness, gaining influence and forming connections that may even lead to an excellent job offer. Blogging can open a lot of opportunity doors for you and help you make a difference not only in your personal and professional life but also in the lives of your readers.

Of course, spreading the word about it and attracting the right kind of readers who will find your content interesting and useful requires having good and efficient strategies in place.

So what are you going to do? Well, your homework, for starters; you’ve got to know your stuff to stand out in this crowd. A good place to start might be this article with the list of the best blogs on the web. Find the people who are doing what you want to do, and doing it well. Then take their best practices, find your own spin to put on the concept, and write, write, write!

What exactly is a blog?

Let us quickly go over what is a blog? A blog (shortened from the phrase “weblog”) is a website or a web page that is updated on a regular basis with content that the readers of the blog can find inspirational or educational. A blog can have different purposes, such as raising the awareness of an individual cause or a brand, establishing one’s self as an expert in a particular field, or promoting a business and increasing sales, to name just a few. It all depends on the type of blog, of course.

What-is-a-Blog infographic

Your blog can be your online journal, for instance, where you will express your thoughts and feelings and share them with the world. It can be anything you want it to be, but the key to its success is providing real value to your readers using a friendly and conversational tone of voice while remaining consistent.

Feel free to use this infographic on your website

What best blogs have in common?

There are millions of blogs on the web, but how did the truly successful bloggers manage to cut through the noise of competition and push their blogs to the top? They provided content that offered real value to their readers. They had a unique voice that their readers wanted to hear and that is exactly what made them different. That makes for some stiff competition for new entrants to the blogosphere trying to make their name.

Even if a topic that you want to tackle includes an idea that has been told a thousand times over, you can still make a twist and tell your story. You can create compelling content that will have a unique personality that your readers can relate to and truly fall in love with every single word you write.

Quality content is exactly what all the favorite blogs have in common. Of course, there’s the number of followers, but the content is the only element that attracts them in the first place and keeps them coming back for more.

Therefore, if you want to make your blog attractive, always focus on the quality of your content.

Most popular niches that drive traffic and make money

blogs drive money

When looking for a niche to focus your blog on, you need to think about those with a thriving market. To monetize your blog, you need to find a niche with great potential to generate traffic and income.

The following niches are the most popular ones, so they have great traffic and income power. They’re a bit broad, but you can find an adequate micro-niche within them once you find your passion and figure out a way to improve people’s lives.

Travel blogs

Travel blogs have a huge potential for driving a lot of traffic and making money. People love traveling, and they’ll always look for new opportunities to go someplace they’ve never been before and explore new cultures.

You can take lots of directions with your travel blog. You can run a region-specific blog, food travel blog, or a personal travel blog filled with your own exciting adventures and travel guides.

Your blog can also focus on hotel or restaurant reviews, or travel gear so that you can earn money from affiliate links. The niche is huge, so there’s a lot of stuff you can focus on here.

Health blogs

This niche also has great affiliate opportunities, as you can write about foods, supplements, exercise products, and much more.

You can focus your blog on healthy recipes, diets, morning routines, at-home workouts, gym workouts, healthcare tips, and advice – you name it. Lots of opportunities for massive traffic and income here.

E-learning blogs

E-learning is growing at a lightning speed, as the Internet has made learning and knowledge accessible to everyone. There will always be people looking to gain new knowledge and skills online, from the comfort of their home.

If you have particular knowledge or skills that you’re passionate about writing, why not help other people become experts as well? You can give guitar lessons, coding lessons, dog training lessons, tutorials about using any kind of software, language lessons, and pretty much anything else you want.

Tech and Gaming blogs

Gamers are interested in the tech market, so combining the two will help you earn a significant amount of money. This is one of the most profitable niches you can choose from and, again, it comes with plenty of sub-niches and affiliate opportunities.

You can write an app and video game reviews, tech gadget reviews, tips about mobile and PC repairs, video game tutorials, or any other related topic you’re interested in and have a lot to say about.

Parenting blogs

This is one of those niches that’s always going to drive traffic and money. Moms are everywhere, so you’ll always have a great audience interested in useful parenting tips and advice.

There are hundreds of topics to choose from related to taking care of babies and children and helping new moms choose the best foods, clothing, safe toys, and fun activities for their little ones, or plan a perfect child’s birthday party.

You can also provide pregnancy tips, and literally any other useful advice for both moms and dads. The best way to monetize your parenting blog is to engage in affiliate marketing by promoting the best products for kids and parents.

Want to launch a personal blog?

If you want to launch your very own personal blog, you can do so pretty quickly on your own. You need a name for your blog (domain name), a best blog platform (we strongly recommend self-hosted WordPress), and a web hosting provider. All of these steps are very straightforward, and you can have your blog up and running in no time.

First you will need to choose your web hosting provider and for new bloggers, we recommend Bluehost, a company that powers over 2 million websites worldwide. You will get a free domain name when you sign up with them, plus they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

First Step

Click here and you’ll end up on the “Exclusive Offer” page reserved for our readers. Then click on “Get Started Now”.

Step One

Second Step

step two

We suggest starting with the basic plan, because you will need time to determine your needs and options. The basic plan has everything any beginner needs to set up a new blog. Consider other plans later when your blog takes off and your needs become greater.

Third Step

Your domain name will play a vital role in the future development of your blog and this is why it is important to take your time and figure out a good domain name. Once you’ve done that, enter the name in the “new domain” column and choose your Top-Level Domain